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Pothos by Bonasila

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Love to buy garden pots? Here's your pick!

To buy garden pots that are very distinctive when it comes to their shape and texture, buy a catchy cupy edged planter to complement your outdoor space and enhance beauty around. These unmatched smoothly textured pots are available in multiple sizes.

Pothos Frp Planter


A : top width, B : bottom width, C : maximum width, H : height
Name PriceABCH
Pothos 22 1292030.5"10"22"
Pothos 18 890025"8.5"18"
Pothos 14 668019.5"7"14"
Name PriceABCH
Pothos 22 12920775mm254mm559mm
Pothos 18 8900635mm216mm457mm
Pothos 14 6680495mm178mm355mm
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