Buy U Shaped FRP Planters | Large Commercial Planters | Bonasila Pvt. Ltd.

Olezio by Bonasila

large U shaped planters
large U shaped planters
large U shaped planters
large U shaped planters
large U shaped planters
large U shaped planters

Big frp planters for balcony - the perfect blend of style, durability, and functionality

Perfectly sized Olezio helps you in transforming your balcony into a dreamy and vibrant space. Whether you prefer blooming flowers or lush greenery, this planter is the perfect fit for styling your balcony.

Large Fiberglass Pots For Outdoor. Designer Big Planter Best For outdoor.


A : top width, B : bottom width, C : maximum width, D : depth(in full body), H : height
Name PriceABCDH
Olezio 32 2070027.5"17"36.5"32.5"
Olezio 28 1524023.5"15"31"31"
Olezio 24 1252020.5"12.5"27"24.5"
Olezio 20 1056017"10.5"22.5"20.5"
Olezio 16 594013.5"8"18"16.5"
Olezio 12 423010"6.5"13.5"12.25"
Name PriceABCDH
Olezio 32 20700698mm432mm927mm825mm
Olezio 28 15240597mm381mm787mm787mm
Olezio 24 12520521mm317mm686mm622mm
Olezio 20 10560432mm267mm571mm521mm
Olezio 16 5940343mm203mm457mm419mm
Olezio 12 4230254mm165mm343mm313mm
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