Get Triangle Shaped Planters | Get Elegant FRP Planters | Bonasila Pvt. Ltd.

Ikori by Bonasila

Glassy Look Large Planters By Bonasila. For Indoor Use In Living Room And Hall.
Glassy Look Large Planters By Bonasila. For Indoor Use In Living Room And Hall.
Glassy Look Large Planters By Bonasila. For Indoor Use In Living Room And Hall.
Glassy Look Large Planters By Bonasila. For Indoor Use In Living Room And Hall.
Glassy Look Large Planters By Bonasila. For Indoor Use In Living Room And Hall.
Glassy Look Large Planters By Bonasila. For Indoor Use In Living Room And Hall.

Big pots for plants outdoor - To amplify your outdoor greenery

Ikori adds a touch of glamor and sophistication to your garden and outdoor setting. With their generous size and sturdy construction, these planters allow for versatile planting arrangements, enabling you to create stunning displays in your decor.

triangle shaped planters


A : top width, B : bottom width, C : maximum width, D : depth(in full body), H : height
Name PriceABCDH
Ikori 32 1874021"32"33"
Ikori 28 1494019"28"29"
Ikori 24 1005016"24"25"
Ikori 20 688013.5"20"20.75"
Ikori 16 543010.5"16"16.5"
Name PriceABCDH
Ikori 32 18740533mm813mm838mm
Ikori 28 14940483mm711mm737mm
Ikori 24 10050406mm610mm635mm
Ikori 20 6880343mm508mm527mm
Ikori 16 5430267mm406mm419mm
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